Case Study: Pickle


Pickle is a 4 year old thoroughbred. Whilst in training he sustained an injury to the lateral aspect of his carpus (knee) which penetrated deep into the carpus joint. Unfortunately, infection developed which also infected the sheath of the common digital extensor tendon, above the knee.

The only option was surgery where the tendon was removed.

Before surgery Pickle was unable to flex his knee.

After 6 weeks box rest, a programme of intensive ultrasound , steady walking and gentle flexions were implemented until the day he could fully flex and he was turned out to grass.

Cotswold horse and hound physiotherapy – Hannah Ashton BSc qualified as a Veterinary Physiotherapist in 2009. Hannah treats animals of all shapes and sizes, specialising in the treatment of race horses, show horses, dressage horses, hunters, eventers and companion horses.

She also works with competition, show and companion dogs and farm animals.

Based near Stow on the Wold, areas covered include parts of Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire and Warwickshire.